Charlie Baylis

pink mink

“i have nothing to say to marianne moore and she has nothing to say to me!”

chelsey minnis

that is to say: razorblades and sequins swirling in sewage

coated in pink mink cut a line of coke by the

rink cut a triple axle to cat’s

double footed landing, ouch


ouch, that is to say: is she the girl from the internet?

drake on rollerblades? undress men – it’s chiffon babe

undress me i am prince soaked by viagra falls

unlace my gown nail me good fuck me hard with your shoe


that is to say: double screening wrestling w german commentary

double axle to sunburnt face i’ve nothing better to double

than championship playoffs i don’t care for either team

but i do wonder which players i would 


that is to say: canary blood rushing the wolves throat

lana del rey singing “my pussy tastes like pepsi cola”

does the doctor have pepper spray i wonder

who has had my burnt pizza?


that is to say: i am in a state of perpetual decay

i can’t stomach you anymore than i can stand you

and i can’t stand me even one bit

my stomach knots with snakes


that is to say: poetry is a bitch it takes me

round the park like a poodle on a chain of lace

hey that’s chiffon babe drink liquid zinc or tie a leather belt

around my throat and yank it

ouch, ouch, you got me, or to say:

your poetry is so pretty i want to lick your ear

celebrate by peeing in leather trousers from a great height

onto your wedding cake


that is to say: this has all been terribly dull

my friends are a bunch of cunts

jesus doesn’t want you for a subway

and i’m not that kind of girl 

w else can i tell you about mermaids u don’t already know

a voice in white that you can’t really hear

coming up for air whispering invisibly

i like you but i am not sure

we share very little move closer

(the title is from an interview with luna miguel

i just bought her book about mermaids

after not being sure for a long time

whether or not i would like her book about mermaids

if someone is very popular or part of a movement

it is easy to doubt their sincerity)

i would say you are worth many florins

you go swimming in the pools of famous gardens

you arrive home late and then go to sleep

i have so many questions for you 

Charlie Baylis is from Nottingham, England. He is the Editor of Anthropocene and the Chief Editorial Advisor of Broken Sleep Books. His poetry has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize and once for the Forward Prize, he has also been shortlisted for a Saboteur Award for Best Reviewer of Literature. His most recent publication is Santa Lucía (Invisible Hand Press). He spends his spare time completely adrift of reality.